Sunday, June 22, 2014

Who's the man

Why would you ask a lesbian couple "Who's the man in the relationship?" I know you see a lot of couples where there's a more feminine woman and a masculine identified woman together but the operative word is "lesbian", which the last time I checked "lesbians" were women who love women. 

There are lesbians that take on that more masculine role however not all masculine identified women take that role. I'm not going to sit around being hungry until my "woman" gets home because I decided to take on the "male" role. How stupid would I look like getting home before Kari, she walks in the door and I ask her what's for dinner... What do I look like sitting around the house while the dishes need washed or the floor needs to be vacuumed waiting on my "woman" to get home to take care of those household chores because she's the "woman"?!! I'd look like a hungry damn fool that's what I'd look like! 

That's like me asking a hetero couple who's the man in the relationship if the woman works and the guy is a stay at home dad... Lmao now that would be kinda funny! As funny as it would be, is it relevant? Umm... I'd say NOT! What difference does it make who does what? It's all relative because all housework has to get done. Does it really matter who does it? I know a lot of femme women who love to mow so does that make them the "man"? I think not! I love to cook so does that mean I'm taking on the "woman" role? Think about that for a moment... Yes FOOOL cause I am a woman... LOL STOP PLAYING!!! 

If you are asking that question in regards to the sexual aspect that's another blog ;-) Trust me I'll get there. 

That is all...

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